February 11, 2025

Why is it important to have a Mobile-Friendly Website

What is a Mobile-Friendly Website, and Why Should You Care?

A mobile-friendly website shows appropriately on mobile and handheld devices like iPhones, Android phones, and iPads and tablets. These website designs will respond to any device or display, including your mobile phone and a 46′′ LCD screen. When visiting the website, this results in a more efficient experience.

You may believe that majority of your consumers do not access your website via mobile devices. According to recent studies, mobile devices and mobile apps now account for more than half of all digital traffic on the internet.

Depending on your industry, this will vary, but on average, clients’ mobile traffic accounts for 25-60% of their total traffic. Even at its most basic level, 25% is a statistic you cannot overlook. This is compounded by the fact that failing to maintain a website that meets web standards will negatively influence your overall search engine success.

A Mobile-Friendly Website Has a Lot of Advantages:

Experience that is consistent across all platforms
1. Improved user experience as a result of a positive ranking signal.
2. Download speed increase
3. App development is less flexible and less cost-effective.

Mobile-Friendly Sites Are a Ranking Factor for Google
There are several elements that Google considers in their ranking algorithm that leave us perplexed. It’s more vital than ever to pay attention to your website’s mobile speed score. Google will now include the performance of your mobile page as a ranking factor, in addition to only looking at aesthetic features.

You’re wasting your money.
I’m sure you’ve come across a website that isn’t mobile-friendly at some point. The time and patience it takes to navigate through these websites is not everyone’s cup of tea. Believe it or not, many smartphone users will not even bother to visit a website that isn’t mobile-friendly. Why should they, after all? They’re likely to return to the search results and visit one of your competitors who does have an easy-to-navigate website.

Mobile shopping is gaining popularity.
When it comes to online purchasing, the problem of mobile-friendliness becomes even more critical. When exploring and purchasing items online, online buyers have fast begun to prefer utilising their mobile devices.

Take a stand!
Ensure that your websites have a mobile-friendly design. We’re here to assist you!