May 17, 2024

Is social networking a substitute for Email?

A six year analysis of Internet Activity Index was conducted. Can you guess which of the five areas (Commerce, Communications, Community, Content and Search) has grown the most—and which has shrunk? The most surprising results actually aren’t in Community and Communications. Yes, email (i.e. Communications is down), the only area to fall over those six […]

Tips to succeed in long term in Social Media:

Building a social media presence is much more a marathon than a sprint. There’s plenty of content to develop, place and promote, and there are lots of relationships to build. The social media marathon requires commitment, persistence and lots of patience, the type of mental endurance needed to complete a 42 km race. Commit to […]

How can you provide value and make Facebook work better for others?

1. Engage the reader. Ask him questions about his business. Show interest in them, and they will show interest in you. 2. be gracious. Thank them for being a follower. Thank them for friend-requesting you. Always say thank you. 3. Reciprocate. Return the tweet by commenting on one of their tweets or blog posts. Tell […]

Creating Value on Your Facebook and Twitter Social Networks:

Nowadays it is a fashion statement to be on Facebook or twitter or any other social networking website. So if you’re a Twitterer or a Facebooker, do you have something of value to say or we are just following the herd? Are we doing any value addition so as to help broaden the mindset of […]

Reasons for the more targeted approach to social networking:

One is the sheer popularity of sites such as MySpace and Friendster. As those sites have expanded and become among the Internet’s most trafficked, some users and potential users have grown wary about exposing themselves to so many people. Some users would rather connect with people with whom they share common interests, such as hobbies […]

Niche Social Networking:

MySpace and Friendster’s runaway popularity and exposure have helped spawn an array of targeted networking sites. Are Advertisers noticing? Vox, a social networking and blogging site with strict privacy controls, so users can limit who sees particular posts. Vox users can make some content available to the general public. Other posts and photos can only […]

Saving of employers resources on advertisement for jobs:

Many business-networking sites also post jobs on their sites. So, you get one more online option to look out for jobs, i.e. in addition to the job portals. Online networking also helps you to build relationships before you can actually ask for a job. And that too without facing the recruiter. It is always better […]

Future of LinkedIn:

LinkedIn has some of the smartest investors around. These investors have deep pockets and they are almost certainly following the model of building both scale and deep end user value before attempting too much monetization. There are signs that they are looking at deepening their service value, specifically by becoming a network to find small […]

How to use Social Networking Site for Advertising Products/ Services:

Create your account– Creating a profile is not very hard task and can be easily done. However, you may need to keep all your profiles updated on a regular basis. Expand your network– Almost every networking site provides you option to search friends who share same interests as you. So always search and invite members […]